Table 4

Testing the Policy Feedback Mechanism: Event History Analysis Predicting Gubernatorial Announcement and Grant Activity

Gubernatorial Announcements (N = 414)Grant Applications (N = 816)
Δ ACA support 12.51 −4.36 
 (11.17) (5.03) 
ACA support (t−1) 11.96** −3.11 
 (5.45) (2.56) 
Republican governor −.15 −.31 
 (.59) (.34) 
Natural log of population size −.15 .02 
 (.29) (.14) 
Median income .00002 .00001 
 (.00) (.00) 
Percent uninsured .07 −.01 
 (.08) (.05) 
Proportion neighbors that announced ACA decision (t−1) 2.42*  
Δ Proportion neighbors that announced ACA decision 3.54***  
Partnership exchange −2.64*** −.33 
 (.94) (.21) 
Federal exchange −1.82*** −1.86*** 
 (.74) (.43) 
RWJF state network −1.18 .18 
 (.77) (.29) 
Total number of grant applications (t−1)  −.16 
Proportion neighbors that applied for grants (t−1)  .39 
Δ Proportion neighbors that applied for grants  .34 
Time −.65 .68*** 
 (.43) (.13) 
Time squared .08* −.03*** 
 (.04) (.01) 
Constant −7.31 −3.07 
 (4.59) (2.15) 
Gubernatorial Announcements (N = 414)Grant Applications (N = 816)
Δ ACA support 12.51 −4.36 
 (11.17) (5.03) 
ACA support (t−1) 11.96** −3.11 
 (5.45) (2.56) 
Republican governor −.15 −.31 
 (.59) (.34) 
Natural log of population size −.15 .02 
 (.29) (.14) 
Median income .00002 .00001 
 (.00) (.00) 
Percent uninsured .07 −.01 
 (.08) (.05) 
Proportion neighbors that announced ACA decision (t−1) 2.42*  
Δ Proportion neighbors that announced ACA decision 3.54***  
Partnership exchange −2.64*** −.33 
 (.94) (.21) 
Federal exchange −1.82*** −1.86*** 
 (.74) (.43) 
RWJF state network −1.18 .18 
 (.77) (.29) 
Total number of grant applications (t−1)  −.16 
Proportion neighbors that applied for grants (t−1)  .39 
Δ Proportion neighbors that applied for grants  .34 
Time −.65 .68*** 
 (.43) (.13) 
Time squared .08* −.03*** 
 (.04) (.01) 
Constant −7.31 −3.07 
 (4.59) (2.15) 

Note: Robust standard errors clustered by state in parentheses. Significance levels: * .10, ** .05, *** .01 with a two-tailed test.

Δ = change.

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