Table 4

Coefficients from a path model testing mechanisms of skin tone disparities in health returns to occupational attainment: Add Health, Waves IV and V

Unfair TreatmentSubjective Social StatusC-Reactive ProteinSelf-rated Health
Occupational Prestigea −0.150 (0.057) ** 0.812 (0.142) *** 0.127 (0.143)  0.166 (0.079) * 
Race/Skin Tone             
 White (ref.) —   —   —   —   
 BA light 0.100 (0.052)  −0.056 (0.122)  0.315 (0.106) ** −0.171 (0.073) * 
 BA medium 0.154 (0.058) ** −0.062 (0.125)  0.051 (0.121)  −0.072 (0.060)  
 BA dark 0.151 (0.047) ** 0.137 (0.085)  0.116 (0.075)  −0.070 (0.052)  
 BA light × occupation 0.135 (0.219)  −0.434 (0.555)  −0.393 (0.552)  −0.192 (0.302)  
 BA medium × occupation 0.177 (0.157)  −1.253 (0.443) ** –.0144 (0.364)  −0.253 (0.271)  
 BA dark × occupation 0.393 (0.153) ** −0.965 (0.372) ** −0.118 (0.319)  −0.460 (0.182) * 
 Unfair treatment —   −1.095 (.108) *** −0.019 (0.106)  −0.573 (0.092) *** 
 Subjective social status —   —   −0.042 (0.015) ** 0.041 (0.011) *** 
 C-reactive protein —   —   —   −0.127 (0.012) *** 
Intercept 0.674 (0.158) *** 6.402 (0.403) *** −0.007 (0.386)  4.797 (0.252) *** 
R2 .139 (.022) *** .288 (.017) *** .081 (.007) *** .235 (.015) *** 
Unfair TreatmentSubjective Social StatusC-Reactive ProteinSelf-rated Health
Occupational Prestigea −0.150 (0.057) ** 0.812 (0.142) *** 0.127 (0.143)  0.166 (0.079) * 
Race/Skin Tone             
 White (ref.) —   —   —   —   
 BA light 0.100 (0.052)  −0.056 (0.122)  0.315 (0.106) ** −0.171 (0.073) * 
 BA medium 0.154 (0.058) ** −0.062 (0.125)  0.051 (0.121)  −0.072 (0.060)  
 BA dark 0.151 (0.047) ** 0.137 (0.085)  0.116 (0.075)  −0.070 (0.052)  
 BA light × occupation 0.135 (0.219)  −0.434 (0.555)  −0.393 (0.552)  −0.192 (0.302)  
 BA medium × occupation 0.177 (0.157)  −1.253 (0.443) ** –.0144 (0.364)  −0.253 (0.271)  
 BA dark × occupation 0.393 (0.153) ** −0.965 (0.372) ** −0.118 (0.319)  −0.460 (0.182) * 
 Unfair treatment —   −1.095 (.108) *** −0.019 (0.106)  −0.573 (0.092) *** 
 Subjective social status —   —   −0.042 (0.015) ** 0.041 (0.011) *** 
 C-reactive protein —   —   —   −0.127 (0.012) *** 
Intercept 0.674 (0.158) *** 6.402 (0.403) *** −0.007 (0.386)  4.797 (0.252) *** 
R2 .139 (.022) *** .288 (.017) *** .081 (.007) *** .235 (.015) *** 

Notes: N = 7,371. Coefficients are based on the model depicted in Figure 2. Unstandardized linear regression coefficients (b) are reported with robust standard errors clustered by Wave I school in parentheses. Coefficients are weighted and derived with full information maximum likelihood procedures. All exogenous variables are recorded at Wave IV except skin tone (Wave III) and unfair treatment (Waves IV and V). Coefficients for covariates are excluded from this table (see Table 3). Education and income are centered on their medians. Occupational prestige is centered on its mean. BA = Black American.


Represents the effect of occupation for White respondents.


p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001 (two-tailed)

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