Table 4

OLS models predicting parenting time among working parents on workdays

Work Minutes Doing Secondary Care% of Work Minutes Doing Secondary Care
Mothers(n = 455)Fathers(n = 519)Mothers(n = 455)Fathers(n = 519)
Year (ref. = 2019)     
 2020 96.70*** 45.76*** 21.08*** 8.82*** 
 (16.47) (10.82) (4.00) (2.25) 
Work Status (ref. = full-time)     
 Part-time −19.52 −8.05 10.68* 3.93 
 (17.95) (20.37) (4.87) (6.85) 
Constant −46.39 −29.77 −0.12 −5.53 
 (75.94) (60.53) (17.59) (11.63) 
R2 .18 .16 .17 .19 
Work Minutes Doing Secondary Care% of Work Minutes Doing Secondary Care
Mothers(n = 455)Fathers(n = 519)Mothers(n = 455)Fathers(n = 519)
Year (ref. = 2019)     
 2020 96.70*** 45.76*** 21.08*** 8.82*** 
 (16.47) (10.82) (4.00) (2.25) 
Work Status (ref. = full-time)     
 Part-time −19.52 −8.05 10.68* 3.93 
 (17.95) (20.37) (4.87) (6.85) 
Constant −46.39 −29.77 −0.12 −5.53 
 (75.94) (60.53) (17.59) (11.63) 
R2 .18 .16 .17 .19 

Notes: Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Controls included education, student status, age, race/ethnicity, nativity, family income, partnership status, number and age of children in the household, living in a metropolitan area, geographic region, time-diary month, and whether time diary was a holiday.

*p < .05; ***p < .001

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