Table 6

Goodness-of-fit statistics for multiracial self-identification models

Gender + Controls+ Regime+ Generation+ Gender × Generation+ Gender × Generation × Regime
Log-Likelihood −2,417 −2,282 −2,268 −2,263 −2,250 
Akaike Information Criterion 4,852 4,590 4,564 4,556 4,553 
Bayesian Information Criterion 4,910 4,673 4,653 4,651 4,726 
Number of Variables 12 13 14 26 
Gender + Controls+ Regime+ Generation+ Gender × Generation+ Gender × Generation × Regime
Log-Likelihood −2,417 −2,282 −2,268 −2,263 −2,250 
Akaike Information Criterion 4,852 4,590 4,564 4,556 4,553 
Bayesian Information Criterion 4,910 4,673 4,653 4,651 4,726 
Number of Variables 12 13 14 26 

Note: N (observations) = 4,330. See Table 4 (Models 2a and 2b) and Table 5 for detailed model estimates.

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