Recent decades have witnessed an increasing interest in the study of language and meter, driving new studies in new and often radically divergent directions. Linguistic analysis now supplements increasingly meticulous editions of poetic works, with quantitative methods allowing for the rapid testing of hypotheses and aiding the study of a far wider range of metric traditions than was previously possible. Two decades into the twenty-first century, such methods promise that much more can still be done. The essays collected in the volume capture this optimistic mood, proposing various avenues for scholarly progress.

Most of the contributions were originally presented as papers at the interdisciplinary conference “Language and Meter in Diachrony and Synchrony,” held in Munich on September 2–4, 2013, hosted by the Department of Historical and Indo-European Linguistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. In this review I will address the theoretical interests of the volume in the context of general questions pertaining...

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